Well, here's my post-IVP post. pun unintended. Before I tell you about my match... I shall tell you about the team!
Hoirul: Silver for Male Class B
Hanan: Bronze for Male Class C
Wafi: Silver for Male Class E
Zul: Gold for Male Class E
Raiyan: Silver for Male Class F
Nadhirah: Gold for Female Class A
Nuraini (Nini): Bronze for Female Class F
Izzati: Gold for Female Class O
Faizal (Zola): Bronze for Male Tunggal
Farah and Faatihah: Bronze for Female Ganda
Zola and Hoirul: Bronze for Male Ganda
Alhamdulillah. Congratulations to all! Everyone, regardless you have medals or not, have made me proud to be part of the team. I believe we were the most happening team out there especially when we were cheering. C-kin, Petom, Doughnut, Joooke joke joke, Tumbuk jangan tak tumbuk, ...Rai...Yan... Rai... Raiyan, T-rex and much more. Another school even copied our Syukur cheer... Alhamdulillah. Hehe.
Training, fighting, playing, praying together... I'm really thankful to have you all in my team. Alhamdulillah.
Alrite, time for my match review. I came into the ring with some goals in mind:
- Do my best
- Don't disappoint the coaches
- Don't lose my stamina aka pancit
- Win
Alhamdulillah, I fulfilled the first 3 goals. And I achieved another... I had fun! I lost but I had no regrets. I was proud that I gave my all. I was proud that I did better than at NTU friendly. I was relieved that the coaches said I did a good job. Of course, there were alot that needs improving. So let's get to that:
- Speed
- Speed
- Speed
- Technique
- Aggression
I guess if I am going for speed, I have to further improve my stamina. I was thinking of training with weights to my ankles and wrists. For technique, I'll just keep polishing while asking seniors and coaches. For aggression... I seriously have no idea...
Anyone have any tips to improve myself? Especially for speed.
I believe I will come out stronger and better next time. I can say I did a good job for my first real match. It could be better but dwelling on the past goes nowhere. Look straight ahead to the future! Should I join silat outside of school?
Interesting quote for the day:
"The future depends on what we do in the present." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Wow, you can fit 4 in there!" - What you can say about a truck but not your girlfriend: Whose Line Is It Anyway. Scenes from a hat.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A Lover's Alibi
My music player ain't working on this blog...So I removed it. Just wanted to share a tune in my head.
OneRepublic - All We Are
I'm a "lyrics" person so here are the lyrics:
I tried to paint you a picture
The colours were all wrong
Black and white didn't fit you and all along you were shaded with patience
You're strokes of everything that I need just to make it and I believe that
Time can tear you apart
But it won't break anything that you are, you are
We won't say our goodbyes
You know it's better that way
We won't break
We won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are
All we are is everything that's right
All we need
All we need
A lover's alibi
Oh oh
I walked a minute in your shoes
They never would've fit
I figured there's nothing to lose
I need to get some perspective on these words before I write them down
You're an island and my ship is running ground
Time can tear you apart
But it won't break anything that we are, we are
We won't say our goodbyes
You know it's better that way
We won't break
We won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are
All we are is everything that's right
All we need
All we need
A lover's alibi
Every single day that I can breathe you change my philosophy
I'm never gonna let you pass me by
So don't say your goodbyes
You know its better that way
We won't break
We won't die
It's just a moment of change, yeah
So don't say your goodbyes
You know its better that way
We won't break
We won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are
All we are is everything that's right
All we need
All we need
A lover's alibi
So don't say our goodbyes
I know it's better
We won't break
We won't die
Gonna find their album and buy it!
OneRepublic - All We Are
I'm a "lyrics" person so here are the lyrics:
I tried to paint you a picture
The colours were all wrong
Black and white didn't fit you and all along you were shaded with patience
You're strokes of everything that I need just to make it and I believe that
Time can tear you apart
But it won't break anything that you are, you are
We won't say our goodbyes
You know it's better that way
We won't break
We won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are
All we are is everything that's right
All we need
All we need
A lover's alibi
Oh oh
I walked a minute in your shoes
They never would've fit
I figured there's nothing to lose
I need to get some perspective on these words before I write them down
You're an island and my ship is running ground
Time can tear you apart
But it won't break anything that we are, we are
We won't say our goodbyes
You know it's better that way
We won't break
We won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are
All we are is everything that's right
All we need
All we need
A lover's alibi
Every single day that I can breathe you change my philosophy
I'm never gonna let you pass me by
So don't say your goodbyes
You know its better that way
We won't break
We won't die
It's just a moment of change, yeah
So don't say your goodbyes
You know its better that way
We won't break
We won't die
It's just a moment of change
All we are
All we are is everything that's right
All we need
All we need
A lover's alibi
So don't say our goodbyes
I know it's better
We won't break
We won't die
Gonna find their album and buy it!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
After the First War
Hmm... my music thingy like not working... nvm.
After one weekend of intense battles, we managed to clinch some victories. There were some loss but it was not without a fight! Alhamdulillah, everyone did great. I shall put in my best for my fight too! InsyaAllah I'll win till the end. Amin.
Zola - 3rd place
Nuraini - 4th place in Pool A
Zola and Hoirul - 3rd place
Faatihah and Farah Natasya - 3rd place
Naufal, Hoirul and Zuraimi - 5th place
Izarina, Amirah, Izyana - 5th place
Class A: Na'im in Quarters (by-pass)
Class B: Hoirul in Semis
Class C: Hanan in Semis
Class E: Zul and Wafi both in Semis
Class F: Raiyan in Quarters
Class A: Nadhirah in Semis
Class C: Syikin in Quarters
Class F: Nini in Semis
Class O: Izzati in Semis
Silat has 2 bronze... so for those who are in Semis effectively have a medal already! Congrats! 1 win and I get a medal. Pray for me. =)
I will update the timings as soon as I receive them. Come down and support us! We gladly welcome anyone!
Interesting quote for the day:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walt Disney
Give me strength and courage. Amin.
After one weekend of intense battles, we managed to clinch some victories. There were some loss but it was not without a fight! Alhamdulillah, everyone did great. I shall put in my best for my fight too! InsyaAllah I'll win till the end. Amin.
Zola - 3rd place
Nuraini - 4th place in Pool A
Zola and Hoirul - 3rd place
Faatihah and Farah Natasya - 3rd place
Naufal, Hoirul and Zuraimi - 5th place
Izarina, Amirah, Izyana - 5th place
Class A: Na'im in Quarters (by-pass)
Class B: Hoirul in Semis
Class C: Hanan in Semis
Class E: Zul and Wafi both in Semis
Class F: Raiyan in Quarters
Class A: Nadhirah in Semis
Class C: Syikin in Quarters
Class F: Nini in Semis
Class O: Izzati in Semis
Silat has 2 bronze... so for those who are in Semis effectively have a medal already! Congrats! 1 win and I get a medal. Pray for me. =)
I will update the timings as soon as I receive them. Come down and support us! We gladly welcome anyone!
Interesting quote for the day:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walt Disney
Give me strength and courage. Amin.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Silat IVP Matches!
Here are the fixtures for this weekend! Do come down and support us! The timing is uncertain but I try to arrange them in order to my estimation. And there seems to be some error... nvm.
6th June 2008 (Friday) starts at 6pm
- Ganda Female: Fatihah and Farah
- Ganda Male: Faizal (Zola) and Hoirul
7th June 2008 (Saturday) starts in the morning
- Tunggal Male: Faizal (Zola)
- Tunggal Female: Nuraini Bte Supaat
- Regu Female: Amirah, Izarina and Izyana
- Regu Male: Syed Naufal, Zuraimi and Hoirul
- Class F: Fahmi VS Uzair (SP)
- Class C: Aidil VS Farhi (ITE)
- Class C: Hanan VS Fairzul (TP)
- Class D: Zola VS Khairul Anwar (TP)
- Class D: Yusri VS Khairul Ariffin (NYP)
- Class E: Wafi VS Syaheed (NYP)
8th June 2008 (Sunday) starts at 2pm
- Class E: Zul VS Faizal (NP)
- Class A: Liyanna VS Muslimah (TP)
- Class A: Nadhirah VS Faradina (TP)
- Class B: Nurhanim VS Nur Aisyah (ITE)
- Class B: Farah VS Nur Aisyah (TP)
- Class C: Nur'Asyikin VS Nikmahtuszurah (ITE)
- Class F: Raiyan VS TBC
- Class B: Hoirul VS TBC
That's it from teamNUS this weekend.
What? Where's my name and other missing team members?
Our matches are next week! Will upload the fixtures when I get them.
Please come down and support us!
Interesting quote for the day:
"To be the ultimate team, you must use your body and your mind. Draw up on the resources of your teammates. Choose your steps wisely and you will win. Remember, only teams succeed" - Jose Mourinho
6th June 2008 (Friday) starts at 6pm
- Ganda Female: Fatihah and Farah
- Ganda Male: Faizal (Zola) and Hoirul
7th June 2008 (Saturday) starts in the morning
- Tunggal Male: Faizal (Zola)
- Tunggal Female: Nuraini Bte Supaat
- Regu Female: Amirah, Izarina and Izyana
- Regu Male: Syed Naufal, Zuraimi and Hoirul
- Class F: Fahmi VS Uzair (SP)
- Class C: Aidil VS Farhi (ITE)
- Class C: Hanan VS Fairzul (TP)
- Class D: Zola VS Khairul Anwar (TP)
- Class D: Yusri VS Khairul Ariffin (NYP)
- Class E: Wafi VS Syaheed (NYP)
8th June 2008 (Sunday) starts at 2pm
- Class E: Zul VS Faizal (NP)
- Class A: Liyanna VS Muslimah (TP)
- Class A: Nadhirah VS Faradina (TP)
- Class B: Nurhanim VS Nur Aisyah (ITE)
- Class B: Farah VS Nur Aisyah (TP)
- Class C: Nur'Asyikin VS Nikmahtuszurah (ITE)
- Class F: Raiyan VS TBC
- Class B: Hoirul VS TBC
That's it from teamNUS this weekend.
What? Where's my name and other missing team members?
Our matches are next week! Will upload the fixtures when I get them.
Please come down and support us!
Interesting quote for the day:
"To be the ultimate team, you must use your body and your mind. Draw up on the resources of your teammates. Choose your steps wisely and you will win. Remember, only teams succeed" - Jose Mourinho
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The day is near...

I shall release my Devil Trigger 
Time to gear up and get myself prepared to fight... Here are the images that come to mind:
I shall channel my Rage

I shall gather The Dark Force within

I shall awaken my Hitokiri

I shall call forth my Bankai

I shall call upon my Hollow

I shall release my Curse Seal

I shall summon the Bijuu within

I shall realise my Avatar

I shall unleash the Rage of the Titans
Haha, I think most people wouldn't get what the heck I'm saying here. But nvm. Pray for me... Finding strength in The Almighty.
Interesting quotes for the day:
"Fall seven times, Stand up eight!" - Japanese Proverb
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Some men succeed because they are destined to, but most men succeed because they are determined to" - Greame Clegg
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Bond of Brotherhood
5 days to IVP. It's "Inter-Varsity-Polytechnics" as corrected by Fadhli.
Had a secret training with Ramli today. Hehe. We trained at NUS MPSH2. It was open on a Sunday... Didn't think it will but Alhamdulillah. Didn't have the key so we couldn't train with the training pads or protective vests. Initially, we wanted it to be an intensive training session but due to the restraints, it couldn't be as intensive as we wanted. In the end, we went through what we would do in the fight, shared some techniques and practised some combos. I learnt a new technique and I hope to be able to execute it during the competition.
Then, we had a pseudo-match. 3 rounds of 3-4 minutes. Couldn't be in full force as we weren't adequately protected and even if we were protected, we don't want any injuries. Ramli was very encouraging and pointed out my mistakes and how to correct them. Alhamdulillah, he said I made a tremendous improvement since NTU friendly. Haha, the improvement was that I could SEE since I now have contacts. I was worried that it wouldn't make a difference but his words and our training showed that there was. Alhamdulillah. And I hope that I will perform just as well if not better during the competition.
We talked alot. From our memories to our hopes. From Naruto to NS. I'm hoping to do ganda next sem and I was just joking that if me and him do ganda, it will make a good team. It can be like NUS-NTU combined gitu. Haha, of course it can't be done. Sadly, as he says, "We will always be rivals". And yet, there we were, training together and having fun.
It makes me realise how thankful I am to have met him. He is the best friend I can ever have. Alhamdulillah. I'm thankful for the first day in my secondary school when I turned around to him sitting two seats behind me. We were best friends ever since. But it always feels like I have another brother in my life. Although we were separated in NS and university and I don't get to see him often, there is this strong connection that we have that I really hope won't perish. Last time, we would be playing wrestling in the school hall. Now, we are sparring together to improve ourselves. So thank you so much, Ramli. For being there, again and always. Relighting my hope. And sorry for the bruises. Hehe.
Interesting quote for the day:
The whole song of "Shoulder to Cry On" by Tommy Page.
It's our song.
Had a secret training with Ramli today. Hehe. We trained at NUS MPSH2. It was open on a Sunday... Didn't think it will but Alhamdulillah. Didn't have the key so we couldn't train with the training pads or protective vests. Initially, we wanted it to be an intensive training session but due to the restraints, it couldn't be as intensive as we wanted. In the end, we went through what we would do in the fight, shared some techniques and practised some combos. I learnt a new technique and I hope to be able to execute it during the competition.
Then, we had a pseudo-match. 3 rounds of 3-4 minutes. Couldn't be in full force as we weren't adequately protected and even if we were protected, we don't want any injuries. Ramli was very encouraging and pointed out my mistakes and how to correct them. Alhamdulillah, he said I made a tremendous improvement since NTU friendly. Haha, the improvement was that I could SEE since I now have contacts. I was worried that it wouldn't make a difference but his words and our training showed that there was. Alhamdulillah. And I hope that I will perform just as well if not better during the competition.
We talked alot. From our memories to our hopes. From Naruto to NS. I'm hoping to do ganda next sem and I was just joking that if me and him do ganda, it will make a good team. It can be like NUS-NTU combined gitu. Haha, of course it can't be done. Sadly, as he says, "We will always be rivals". And yet, there we were, training together and having fun.
It makes me realise how thankful I am to have met him. He is the best friend I can ever have. Alhamdulillah. I'm thankful for the first day in my secondary school when I turned around to him sitting two seats behind me. We were best friends ever since. But it always feels like I have another brother in my life. Although we were separated in NS and university and I don't get to see him often, there is this strong connection that we have that I really hope won't perish. Last time, we would be playing wrestling in the school hall. Now, we are sparring together to improve ourselves. So thank you so much, Ramli. For being there, again and always. Relighting my hope. And sorry for the bruises. Hehe.
Interesting quote for the day:
The whole song of "Shoulder to Cry On" by Tommy Page.
It's our song.
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