Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Aftermath of the war

Well, here's my post-IVP post. pun unintended. Before I tell you about my match... I shall tell you about the team!

Hoirul: Silver for Male Class B
Hanan: Bronze for Male Class C
Wafi: Silver for Male Class E
Zul: Gold for Male Class E
Raiyan: Silver for Male Class F

Nadhirah: Gold for Female Class A
Nuraini (Nini): Bronze for Female Class F
Izzati: Gold for Female Class O

Faizal (Zola): Bronze for Male Tunggal
Farah and Faatihah: Bronze for Female Ganda
Zola and Hoirul: Bronze for Male Ganda

Alhamdulillah. Congratulations to all! Everyone, regardless you have medals or not, have made me proud to be part of the team. I believe we were the most happening team out there especially when we were cheering. C-kin, Petom, Doughnut, Joooke joke joke, Tumbuk jangan tak tumbuk, ...Rai...Yan... Rai... Raiyan, T-rex and much more. Another school even copied our Syukur cheer... Alhamdulillah. Hehe.
Training, fighting, playing, praying together... I'm really thankful to have you all in my team. Alhamdulillah.

Alrite, time for my match review. I came into the ring with some goals in mind:
- Do my best
- Don't disappoint the coaches
- Don't lose my stamina aka pancit
- Win

Alhamdulillah, I fulfilled the first 3 goals. And I achieved another... I had fun! I lost but I had no regrets. I was proud that I gave my all. I was proud that I did better than at NTU friendly. I was relieved that the coaches said I did a good job. Of course, there were alot that needs improving. So let's get to that:
- Speed
- Speed
- Speed
- Technique
- Aggression

I guess if I am going for speed, I have to further improve my stamina. I was thinking of training with weights to my ankles and wrists. For technique, I'll just keep polishing while asking seniors and coaches. For aggression... I seriously have no idea...

Anyone have any tips to improve myself? Especially for speed.

I believe I will come out stronger and better next time. I can say I did a good job for my first real match. It could be better but dwelling on the past goes nowhere. Look straight ahead to the future! Should I join silat outside of school?

Interesting quote for the day:
"The future depends on what we do in the present." - Mahatma Gandhi

"Wow, you can fit 4 in there!" - What you can say about a truck but not your girlfriend: Whose Line Is It Anyway. Scenes from a hat.

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