Monday, February 18, 2008

What will my story be?

Just a short entry.

My family just received the DVD which contains a short video of my abang nikah and sanding. There was even an interview of my bro and Kak Artina. The interview was held a few weeks before the nikah.

It was sweet and interesting. The questions were like:
- What most attracts you to him/her?
- How did you two meet?
- How did you fall in love?
- How many children?

Looking at their smiles and answers to the questions, I can see they really are made for each other. Takdir, Alhamdulillah. I find it especially sweet when they answered how they met and fell in love. Hehe. Sure to be a nice thing to tell the children. Maximum 3, you say? Haha!

Then it got me thinking... What will my story be? Wouldn't it be nice to have a nice story of how you met your soulmate to tell your children. Haha, I'm a romantic at heart. A sucker for love stories and sad songs. And I hope my love story will be a touching one. A story which makes people go "aww... sweet..."
*snap back to reality*
Well, for now I can only dream... Haha, I don't even have the cover page of my love story and already I'm thinking of the story to be a sweet one.
To my future love story, whoever Allah takdirkan for me, I'm not perfect and I hope you'll accept me. I'll be the sunshine to brighten your day. And I'll be the moonlight to guide you through your darkest times. Oops... terjiwang sekejap.

Interesting quote for the day:
"I don't know who you are but I'm with you"
- lyrics from the song "I'm with you" by Avril Lavigne.

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