Sunday, March 2, 2008


Yesterday, the silat team had a performance at Hougang Park 6, somewhere around Hougang St 61. It was the 19th Anniversary of Perguruan Sendeng Pukulan and they decided to hold a mass silat display. It showcased the kids, youth and instructors of Sendeng Pukulan putting up a very nice display of this martial art. Other perguruans were also invited and 2 schools were invited: NUS and NYP. By the way, our coaches are from sendeng Pukulan. Hehe.

In my opinion, it was the best performance yet. Syikin, who watched it, second my opinion. I really salute Fadzli (Chong) for the choreography and coordination of our performance. We would be nowhere without him. I really hope you will still stay in silat next year. Thank you, Chong! And thanks to Abang Azmi and Taufik for guiding us.

Our performance showcased our foreign talents: David and Jason. They were in the same event as me i.e. Bela Diri. Everyone did a fantastic job! Congrats to everyone! I really enjoyed myself.

Here are links to some pics:

Alhamdulillah, our silat performance was great.

It's been long since I was this calm and grateful. Alhamdulillah. I believe this path I'm taking is the right one for me. Alhamdulillah. I hope to stay on this path. InsyaAllah. And I know you will be there to help me.

Interesting quotes for the day:
"Segala nikmat yang ada pada kamu, maka adalah daripada Allah, kemudian apabila kamu ditimpa kesusahan maka kepadaNya kamu meminta pertolongan" - An-Nahl: 53

"Dan terhadap nikmat Tuhanmu maka hendaklah kamu menyebut-nyebutnya (dengan bersyukur kepadaNya)" - Adh-Dhuha:11

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