Here's the entry about my bro's wedding. Cos I don't think the previous entry does justice to such an important, significant event in my life. Sorry for the rather delayed entry... Right now, it still kinda feels unreal that I do have a new sister-in-law. It's like a fairytale... love in JC, stayed strong for 9 years and finally tied the knot. 9 years, fuyoh. Alhamdulillah. Congrats once again to my abang Firdaus and his lovely wife, Artina.
2/2/08, Saturday
So it begins. The day of the nikah. The date is significant cos my parents nikah on the 2nd of Feb. And... Kak Artina's parents nikah on the 2nd of Feb too. So it's uber-cool that they are also going to nikah on the 2nd of Feb! Preparations already began in the morning. Everything is being set up downstairs. Not at my block 237 but at 235 cos there's not much space at my void deck due to the Resident's Corner. Helped out in the setting of the tables and chairs. Jiwa Logistics. Changed to baju kurung around Zuhur cos my abang is gonna go for akad nikah!
That's me and the king for the day
Look at all the barang hantaran
I think the line that we have to say for akad nikah is the second hardest line we have to say in our life... The hardest being 'La illaha Ilallah' before we die. After the akad nikah, I went back and changed out. It's time to wash plates! Guests are already arriving. There were so many of them! We (me and my cousins) worked until 11:30pm! The first time that I see the majlis last so long on a Saturday. Was getting stressed but for my abang, I shall not complain and keep working. Slept around 12:30am. Tomorrow is the even bigger day. Rather... today cos it is past midnight..
3/2/2008, Sunday
The unsung heroes
After I barely started, it was already noon. The Kompang Guys were already there. Nice to see faces of old friends. My abang is leaving to fetch the bride at 12:30pm. Which means I have to get dressed nicely so that when he comes back to sanding, I won't be in my wet trousers and shirt when taking pictures. Entertained the guests, meeting old acquaintances. Fairus brought an American girl, Tasha to the wedding cos she's taking Malay Studies and wanted to learn about our culture. My bro and wife were supposed to arrive at 2:30 but they came after 3, kesian that some of his Chinese friends and other old frens waited long for him. Well, can't be helped.
The kompang guys(posing nyanyi)
The main attraction
My family. Notice that my parents on the pelamin.
It's like their 28th Anniversary
Well, I did silat pengantin for my bro. Nervous gila... It was kinda weird to do it while going up the steps and onto the narrow runway. But everyone said it's nice. Alhamdulillah. Zuraimi's one is superb! After phototaking, back to washing plates and it basically went smoothly from then on. My bro went for his honeymoon during the Chinese New Year holidays to Bintan. I rarely see him nowadays cos he's staying over at the in-laws. All the best to him. Amin.
Interesting quote for the day:
"You complete me" - Tom Cruise in the movie, Jerry Maguire
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