The post mortem meeting made me realise that the Cen Com is a very close bunch of people. Everyone is practically friends with everyone else. We weren't chosen by an EXCO... We just roped in our friends who roped in more friends.
It's funny when I think about it. It all started at MS iftar where we were handed out this list of events for the upcoming year. We were to indicate which events we want to participate in and if we want to organise them.
Yusri: "Eh, aku macam nak organise Night Cycling ah. Seems interesting."
Me: "Boleh ah, kau nak jadi apa?"
Yusri: "PD"
Me: "Set ah. Kalau kau PD, aku jadi APD"
Then Zuraimi got to know and he also wrote his name for APD.
Zuraimi: "Boleh ke ada 2 APD?"
Me: "Boleh punya. There's a first time for everything"
And there you have it, the 3 of us engaging on something serious for the first time despite having known each other for more than 5 years.
After a month passed, we got to know that no one else wanted to take charge of the event, so Yusri became the offical PD. And so began the hand-picking of members for our comm. Gadisti and Aizat were the first 2 to join after I mentioned to them during Breat-fast Kit giveaway period. I volunteered to be in-charge of Logistics. Roped in Haekal who can't cycle, thus be a perfect candidate for Logs team. Yusri got hold of Izarina and Izyana. I asked Khairi to join the team when in fact Izy was supposed to ask her. They kinda made a pact that if either of them joins an MS event, she will rope the other in as well. Izarina recruited Ily who in turn roped in Rasheilla and Nurul. Yusri roped in Fahmi. Omar volunteered. And at the spur of the moment, Nadia was called to be Treasurer. Syamim was recruited by Yusri but she wanted a part-time role whcih explains her late entrance. The point of it all is that everyone are like friends with everyone else. Mostly are either from Silat or PoW.
Our meetings were full of jokes and nonsense cos let's face it, when we have a few PoW members together, guaranteed to be kecoh. Everyone did a marvellous job. So let me give a holler to each of you out there!
Marketing Team, Ily, Rasheilla and Nurul: Kudos to you for getting sponsors and not giving up when pressure sets in nearing the event. We had too much food and drinks but that showed how ganas our marketing team was! Thanks for helping with the transport of the food, collecting them and distributing them. Two thumbs way way up!
Publicity Team, Izarina and Khairiana: Izarina did a wonderful blog. You guys publicise so well that there were many people outside of NUS. Khairi could keep her head cool while handling all the registration, forms and payment. Orang nak back out lah, orang nak bawak lagi ramai kawan lah... You gals are up there ah. Salute!
Secretary, Izyana: Thanks for helping me liase with the masjid. Sending many emails to confirm the stuff and all. Couldn't do it without you. Cos really, my language will seem rude compared to your grace in the emails. Arigato!
The Chiefs Safety, Aizat and Syamim: Hi5 to Aizat for being a true leader, able to handle tough decisions and making the right calls. And also to stand up for everyone in the com. Syamim showing her great concern for cyclists that she exchanged bikes with one of them cos it was faulty which inadvertently made her lag behind and risking getting lost. And also, thank you Syamim for getting Afghanistan to sponsor the superb Nasi Lemak. Take my hat off for the both of you!
Chief Faci, Fahmi: Cute nampak! Congrats on the good job of getting all the facis despite many obstacles along the way. You double up as a sweeper and helped with the loading and unloading of bikes. Many thanks!
Treasurer, Nadia: Grateful to you for volunteering to become faci when we needed them. Thanks for getting sponsor for the bread. Also calculating the budget and all. Thanks sis!
Route Manager, Omar: Thanks for helping with the loading and unloading also. You also double up as safety by giving briefing and refresher course to the Medics. Also a sweeper to ensure everyone is safe. Respect.
Transport IC, Gadisti: Very grateful to you for securing the vehicles for us. Yeah they are run-down vehicles but still, we needed them. Of course, you also roped in the drivers for the vehicles and cars. Also for getting transport for the many items from the sponsors. You rock!
Refreshements IC, Haekal: Sanggup bawak the coolers walaupun tidak digunakan akhirnya. Great job in coordinating what food and drink to give at what time. You also helped alot in the loading and unloading of the bikes. Pro-arranger of the bikes. You took over me for the replacement of bikes in the end so, I'm really grateful to you. Having to brave the dark at some point even. Members sejati.
APD, Zuraimi: Wonderful programme. Everyone enjoyed it and some even wanted more. Thank you for distributing the food also. Thanks for being there when things were tough for me. You are like the glue in the com, entertaining everyone and keeping everyone together. Syukran.
PD, Yusri: Job well done. No one knows the map better than you and I second that. There were friction here and there but you proved that cool heads prevail. You oversee everything and ensured everyone did their tasks. I cannot imagine anyone who fits your post better. No regrets and thanks for your kind understanding to my shortcomings. Standing Ovation for you!
Special mention, Ahmad and Hakim: The two drivers that handled the rabak vehicles... Braving sleepiness and exhaustion, I thank both of you from the bottom of my heart. Sorry if I pushed you too far. We are grateful for your service. Fairus and Nani: Your help in logistics is deeply appreciated. All outriders: You guys were willing to render your time and effort for the safety of everyone. Really appreciate it. I give a pat on the back to each of you.
I will miss working like this. Joking every time and feeling a strong bond between everyone. Like Yusri said, we had the right people at the right places. And I find that Logistics is somewhat my niche, since JC. I'm really sorry for any shortcomings on my part or if I made any of you upset. You guys are the most fun comm that I'm grateful to be given the opportunity to work with. Hope to work with you all again, though I doubt we'll ever get the same bunch ever again. Thank you once again to everyone.
Interesting quote for the day:
"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success" - taken from a "TEAMWORK" poster.
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