Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In need of some rescuing

Multiplay theme: Save me
Corrine May - Save Me
Nickelback - Savin' Me
Remy Zero - Save Me
Simple Plan - Save You

Here's the inspiring video from Simple Plan which is dedicated to all cancer patients. There's always hope in every adversity...

I do feel like I need some rescuing. Falling sick and guess what, I have 2 papers in the next two days. My nightmare: Organic Chem tomorrow... Help! Went to see the doc at UHWC, got antibiotics... Here comes the "antibiotics VS self-recovery is better" debate. Feel so drained... Then when I think about it... There's always hope in every adversity...

Dalam kesabaran, semoga Allah mengampuni dosa-dosaku. Amin.
That's as much as I can do: Be calm and patient, try my best to resolve the situation, leave the rest to Him. God, save me...

I hope everyone takes care of their health during this crucial time. All the best to everyone. After Thursday, I can relax for a bit... keywords: a bit. Can't wait for 1st December. Think I'll FINALLY take up driving lessons. Anyone wanna join me?

Interesting quote for the day:
"Never look down on someone unless you are helping him up" - Seen on a "Compassion" poster

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