Thursday, October 30, 2008

A new beginning

Yeah, I know I've not updated my blog for long... But this is too important to not be engraved into the blog...
I'm an uncle now! Haha. Congrats to my bro and his wife.

Arman Muzaffar - Born on 28/10/2008 at 2323hrs

In the arms of his mother

Now with my bro.

Now with the uncle.... Hehe

My mom said that he will call me 'Pak Ngah'. Haha.
Holding Arman in my arms makes me feel kinda old... I was thinking...
He will grow up and have cousins just like me now... The cousins will be from me and my other siblings... It's like a whole new generation.

And yes, it IS a new generation... and it begins with this little guy here... Looking at how my bro was taking care of my sis-in-law in the ward, I'm certain they will make good parents. Amin. Kinda scary... cos it will be my turn eventually, and it's like I'm not ready for it yet.

Interesting quote for the day:
"Everything you need is already inside. Just do it"
- Nike Ad for Olympic 2008